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Below is a list of our network rules. players agree to our rules upon joining our network.

Network Wide Rules

This rules are enforced on the whole of the Pandorian Network.

[No use of Unfair Advantages]
• This includes cheating, abusing bugs and any other ways of gaining an unfair advantage.
• Faking any form of hacks will result in the same punishment.
• You will be network banned from the Pandorian Network if unfair advantages are used.

[Be respectful to everyone]
• Do not attempt to start drama towards anyone or try to fuel it.
• Do not be rude or toxic to any of the other server members. This includes making DDoS threats, any type of threat, discrimination, leaking personal information, encouraging violence, encouraging suicide, death wishes, etc.
• You will be network muted on the Pandorian Network if you aren't respectful to everyone.
• If you leak confidential information, fake leaking any information, sending DDoS threats/any type of threat, encouraging suicide or sending death wishes will result in a network blacklist from the Pandorian Network.

[PG content]
Swearing is NOT allowed.
• No Sexism, racism, slurs, and homophobic actions.
• Do not post anything that is NSFW (Not Safe For Work).

[No inappropriate content.]
• Any inappropriate IGNs, skins, capes, messages, builds/signs, lag machine, item name, or nicknames are not allowed.
• You will be network banned or network muted on the Pandorian Network depending on the inappropriate content.

[No using VPNs.]
• This is to prevent users that are banned or blacklisted from the Pandorian Network from accessing the network.
• Using a VPN is at your own risk as it may tie your account with a banned/blacklisted member.

[No evading punishments.]
• Evading your punishment will result in a next level punishment on the Pandorian Network.

[No IRL scamming.]
• No scamming or trading to in real life items or currency.
• IRL Scamming or trading will result in a network ban from the Pandorian Network.

[No abusing chat.]
• This includes abusive language, inappropriate topics or jokes, misleading information, or any kind of spam.
• Abusing chat will result in a network mute from the Pandorian Network.

[No advertising.]
• This includes advertising third-party websites, servers, discord names/tags, social media, or giveaways.
• Advertising will result in a network mute from the Pandorian Network.

[No Chargebacks]
• Any purchase on our store is non-refundable.
• You will be blacklisted from the Pandorian Network if you charge back any purchase.

Discord Rules

These rules are enforced within our discord server.

[Be respectful to everyone]
• Do not attempt to start any sort of drama towards anyone or try to fuel it.
• Do not be rude or toxic to any of the other server members. This includes making threats, discrimination, leaking personal information, encouraging violence, etc.

[English only]
• We are an English-speaking server and it’s hard for others to understand you if you do speak a different language. If you need to talk, please translate using a web translator. This rule is also set to make sure people don't break the rules in another language without us knowing.

[PG content]
• Swearing is NOT allowed.
• No Sexism, racism, slurs, and homophobic actions.
• Do not post anything that is NSFW (Not Safe For Work). This includes GIFS too.
• Do not create inappropriate nicknames.

[No spamming, this includes…]
• Any chained messages.
• Mass mentioning members.
• Sending huge blocks of text and/or copy and paste messages.
• Sending multiple of the same emoji.
• Sending duplicated messages.

[No Advertising, this includes…]
• Advertising a Discord and or Minecraft server.
• Advertising the buying or selling of alts/capes/clients etc.
• PMing other members on the server to advertise.

[Anything in Discord’s TOS applies]
• Please follow Discord’s TOS (https://discordapp.com/terms and https://discordapp.com/guidelines).
• Failure to follow Discord's Terms of Service or Discord's Community Guidelines will result in a ban from the Pandorian Discord.

Skyblock Rules

These rules are enforced on the Skyblock gamemode, network wide rules are also enforced here!

[Only 1 alt account]
• You may only have 1 other account on your IP.
• Having multiple alt accounts will result in some accounts been Network Banned from the Pandorian Network.

[No island/portal traps.]
• Trapping people in portals or islands will result in a Network Ban from the Pandorian Network & your island been reset.